Unexpected Life Trials…

On April 30th, 2012 shortly after her 2nd birthday, my youngest daughter Ginny Rose was rushed to the hospital by ambulance when I noticed her laying in the floor lethargic and seizing. The EMT’s told me I hadn’t witnessed a seizure which I knew to be false, because I myself have seizures when my sugar levels get low. While at the hospital she had another seizure while they were trying to put an IV in her and then the hospital staff decided her best option was to go to MUSC for closer and better Observation. That first night at MUSC was horrible. She was so lethargic and doped up from all the medications she was on. The second day my family came into town, my 16 year old sister, my mother, and my 24 year old sister because the doctors had found that my baby had suffered a Stroke at 2 years old and they were talking about doing an emergency surgery on her brain. When my family got to the hospital, things got a tad crazy, she started seizing again, and with everyone in the room it caused her to stop breathing. (SCARIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE EVER up to this point). The next day of course DSS stepped in and my kids were taken from me temporarily while they did an investigation of child abuse and neglect. 2 1/2 weeks she was at MUSC, toward the end of her stay there, they found a birth defect in her brain. The main blood vessel/artery that runs through it was very narrow, so when it drained it drained spinal fluid and blood into her brain making it look as though it was hemmoraghing evidently causing the seizures, which caused the right brain stroke.

June 7th, the kids were released back into my custody and home where they belonged, little miss Ginny was doing great. She was on anti-seizure medicine and taking it daily and regularly as directed. Then on June 30th, I took her to the ER because she looked a little lethargic and she was running a fever. They found that she had a UTI, and treated her for it and sent us home. On July 2nd, 2012 I got a phone call while I was at work that she was going to the hospital by ambulance. I left work immediately and met her there. When I got to her she was on life support. After talking to the baby sitter, and getting her version of the story; The baby told her she was tired and wanted to take a nap, so she laid her down went to check on her 30 minutes later and she wasn’t breathing and she couldn’t find a heartbeat. She moved her to the living room floor, started CPR and called 911.

I called my mother immediately and her and my little sister and big sister came straight here. They got in around midnight. My mother, my oldest daughter’s father and I proceeded to the hospital. At that point we were told she suffered something she may not recover from. The showed us her ct scans where there was no white brain matter left, and informed us we might want to think about bringing the family in to say good bye. The next night she was officially declared brain dead. The family arrived that night and the next morning July 4th, we said goodbye to my precious little angel. The Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, say goodbye to my own daughter in a way that no mother should ever have to. Again DSS stepped in and removed the children for suspect of abuse and neglect. My children went to my dad’s this time with his wife and my 24 year old sister. Thus they remain there.

The hospital staff and doctors who worked intricately with her the first time she was there and in her last days, strongly believe that the baby was suffocated or smothered. I truly DO NOT believe this. Their evidence is based on her CT scan of the white brain matter being completely gone which suggests she’d of had lack of oxygen to the brain for 45 minutes or more. They preformed and autopsy and we had her cremated in time for her memorial service on July 6th. I lost my house the same day.

Now on month three since she died, I am still waiting on a cause of death, it’s extremely frustrating. My kids are still with my parents who seem to be doing everything they can to make this a living hell for me not even thinking about how I feel or the fact that I lost MY DAUGHTER. I went back to school in August one because I want to better my education for a shot at a decent life for my kids and two to keep my mind busy on other things than what’s going on. I’m constantly down talked because of what happened or what isn’t happening because I’m trying to save up the money to get another house so my kids can come home to me where they belong. Instead of looking at things that way everyone is criticizing what I don’t do like I have a choice. Dss says my kids can’t come home until I have another house for them to come home to, and when we go to court next month there may be other things like parenting classes or something along those terms. I’m slowing growing mentally agrravated and angry and fed up with everyone and everything around me. I will grieve eventually I’m sure, but with all the bullshit and drama around me mostly from my family, which is kinda sick, I haven’t really had the time to do so. My son is almost crawling and I’m going to miss that, my baby turned four and I missed that! Shit just sucks right now. I would never wish any of this on my worse enemy…

All kinds of drama!

Well I know it’s been a while since I have posted but things have been hella crazier lately. My daughter Ginny got sick, I had a baby, got a job, dss took my kids over some B’s… anyway tomorrow after I get home from work and spending time with my 3 year old, I’ll post a blog to fill you all in on what’s been going on… good night lol

Boo Yah!

I'm Huge

I'm huge 37 weeks and some days..

Wow, is my belly huge!!!! Took this early this morning while laying on my side in my bed and let me tell you, I have never ever been this big even in my other two pregnancies.

Called the doctor today to find out if they could prescribe me an antibiotic for this abscess tooth I have and they want me to get that from a dentist, they also won’t prescribe me anything for pain right now so I’m kind of stuck. A dentist won’t touch me because of how far I am, so if this baby decides to wait the full three weeks to come, then I get to endure this pain, plus the contractions and back pain for the next three weeks! So not looking forward to it.

So, someone inspired me to install photoshop on my new computer and get back into designing so I did, and I have to say it is something that I’ve truly missed! It’s more of a hobby of mine, but I’m thinking about switching my college major to Graphic and Web design from Associate’s in Science, but I’m not sure yet… I made my first graphic design in over a year way early this morning and here it is πŸ™‚


Emily VanCamp from the TV Revenge!!!



I’m am totally and utterly exhausted right now. I’m running off of the three hours of sleep I got yesterday afternoon!. It was 5 or 6am before I was able to lay down (Wyatt had calmed down some movement wise), but then I couldn’t go to sleep because of the contractions.

At 8:30AM my girls woke up. As usual, Torrey (the oldest one) got up first, and climbed over the baby gate so she could go in the living room and watch TV. Then, the Ginny alarm went off. I got up, let her out of her room, changed their buts, and then we had cereal together for breakfast. After we ate, the were aloud to watch Dinosaur Train and Dora the Explorer, and then NO TV at all until their room was clean.

They picked up most of their toys, put them in their toy boxes and piled their stuffed animals in the corner while I dug underneath their beds for the remaining toys for them to put away. Then I made there beds and proceeded to the bathroom/hallway for dirty clothes. I started a load of laundry, and then cleaned up the living room.

Now, I’m beat.. On top of that I have a REALLY bad headache and toothache! It sucks really bad especially the toothache part. I had to have my upper right back molar removed after Torrey was born, and then my upper left back molar removed after Ginny was born. Now it’s my lower back bottom molar that’s giving me trouble. I haven’t had a toothache this whole pregnancy!!!

Sometime today I’m going to work on my website some more. I’ve integrated a chat feature now kinda like Facebook chat, it’s pretty cool and easy to use πŸ™‚ Pretty soon it’s going to be lunch time for the girls and then after lunch it’s time for coloring time!

Well I’ll write more later πŸ™‚

My son hates me…

So, last night I get out of the shower around 7:30pm. When I get out of the shower my contractions feel about 5X stronger than what they have been for over a week. After monitoring them for a few hours I decided I’d rather be safe than sorry, so my friend Jean came over to sit with the kiddos while my other friend and I drove to MUSC to make sure I wasn’t in full labor…

I’m in labor now, with regular contractions but there is no cervical change. So, once again MUSC sent me home only this time to tell me to take tylenol and try to “Sleep” it off. How does one “Sleep” off contractions? So, I tossed and turned all night long, barely got any sleep at all. It’s like deja vu all over again. When my first baby was born she was born at 37 weeks (i’ll be that tomorrow), and the night before she was born this is what MUSC did to me…

I think that this little boy of mine hates me so he’s making me as miserable and as uncomfortable as possible… LOL I’m looking forward to having a son to carry on my families name, and I’m not having any more kids. I’m quite happy having two girls and a boy. πŸ™‚

Wyatt Christopher

My unborn child Wyatt Christopher...

3 Year olds and their Hair

My oldest daughter is three year’s old and she absolutely hates it when she gets her hair brushed or you put it in a pony tail or something.

I just spent 20 minutes brushing her hair and then I braided it into pig tails. She takes them out and says to me “Mommy do it again,” so I did a few times… She didn’t scream the whole time I did the ones after the first time. Gotta get her use to getting her hair brushed and done because it’s getting so long and and is always in her face. Gotta wash it daily because she gets food in it LOL anyway here are some pictures…

Being goofy!

The last Pony Tail b4 I told her no more!

Piggy Tails

One single Braid

And the 20 minutes of screaming came from this...

Disciplining Toddlers…

So my daughters are almost 2 and 3 years old.Β  Lately, it’s been like pulling teeth to get them to do anything or to listen to anything, not just from me but from anyone else.

A few examples…

Torrey (age 3) – I ask or tell her to do something and she tells me “No, not right now,” and continues doing whatever it is she is doing. I tell her not to do something and she does it over and over again repeatedly. I’ve tried spanking her butt, I’ve tried putting her in time out, I’ve tried sending her to her room. Nothing works… The other day I asked her to pick up her toys off the living room floor and she told me no. So, I responded if she didn’t pick them up I was going to throw them away. She tells me “throw them away then…” So I got a trash bag and she proceeded to pick up her toys and put them in the “trash” except for a select few she decided not to throw away. She’s such a little smart ass!

Ginny (age 2) – This youngin’ is just as bad as her sister, but not nearly as often. She does tell me no all the time. I’ve tried the same disciplining measures as I have with the oldest one with her and it does not work. The latest problem I’ve had with her is the screaming every single night for at least 2 hours because she doesn’t want to go to bed. Eventually she wears herself out or I give in and get her out of her room so her sister can go to sleep.

Does anyone have any ideas for things that might work with my girls? I’m out of ideas.

Busy Busy Busy

So far this year has been a very very busy year. It all started right before Christmas 2011 when my ex decided to cheat on me and get locked up for warrants while he was out with his “Girlfriend.” – I’m over it, but I’m not going to be with someone who’s going to do that to me and this is the second time it’s happened. Not only did he do that to me, but he did that to my daughters and our unborn son who is due March 26th.Β  As of right now we have no idea how much time he’s going to get for his warrants or his probation, and he’s going to miss out on his son being born. It sucks, I don’t wish that on anyone, but he did it to himself and there is nothing I or anyone else can do about it.

Pregnancy – This pregnancy has been the hardest pregnancy of all three kids thus far. As of 2/23/12 I’ve been having regular contractions 3 minutes apart, I’ve been dilated to 4cm and 50% effaced. The contractions haven’t stopped since they started but they aren’t getting any stronger. I’m having back pain and tons of pelvic pressure and pain as well. I can’t sleep, I have a loss of appetite, and a horrible tooth ache on top of it all.

This is me at 36 weeks pregnant with my son.

My Kids – My daughters have been showing their little butts really bad for the past few months. I’m sure its because daddy is gone, and it could also be because they sense that mommy is stressed out and something is going to change very soon. It makes things harder for me though, a lot harder.

My Girls
These are my daughters, Ginny (almost 2) and Torrey (3).