Busy Busy Busy

So far this year has been a very very busy year. It all started right before Christmas 2011 when my ex decided to cheat on me and get locked up for warrants while he was out with his “Girlfriend.” – I’m over it, but I’m not going to be with someone who’s going to do that to me and this is the second time it’s happened. Not only did he do that to me, but he did that to my daughters and our unborn son who is due March 26th.  As of right now we have no idea how much time he’s going to get for his warrants or his probation, and he’s going to miss out on his son being born. It sucks, I don’t wish that on anyone, but he did it to himself and there is nothing I or anyone else can do about it.

Pregnancy – This pregnancy has been the hardest pregnancy of all three kids thus far. As of 2/23/12 I’ve been having regular contractions 3 minutes apart, I’ve been dilated to 4cm and 50% effaced. The contractions haven’t stopped since they started but they aren’t getting any stronger. I’m having back pain and tons of pelvic pressure and pain as well. I can’t sleep, I have a loss of appetite, and a horrible tooth ache on top of it all.

This is me at 36 weeks pregnant with my son.

My Kids – My daughters have been showing their little butts really bad for the past few months. I’m sure its because daddy is gone, and it could also be because they sense that mommy is stressed out and something is going to change very soon. It makes things harder for me though, a lot harder.

My Girls
These are my daughters, Ginny (almost 2) and Torrey (3).

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